Vintage advertisement for Latakia tobacco

The history of Latakia tobacco is as rich and complex as its flavor. Originating from the Latakia region in Syria, this tobacco quickly gained popularity for its unique smoky flavor and aroma. The traditional process of sun-curing the tobacco, followed by a meticulous smoke-curing over controlled fires of fragrant wood, gives Latakia its distinctive character. This intriguing journey through time reveals the craftsmanship and tradition that have shaped the legacy of Latakia tobacco.

The Birth of a Unique Blend

The story of Latakia tobacco is as old as the region itself. The local farmers, with their deep understanding of the land and its offerings, discovered a unique way to cure tobacco that would eventually captivate the world.

Sun-Curing: The First Step

The process begins with sun-curing, a method where the tobacco leaves are exposed to the sun to dry. This initial step is crucial as it allows the leaves to develop their initial flavor profile.

Smoke-Curing: The Defining Characteristic

What sets Latakia tobacco apart is the next step – smoke-curing. The sun-cured leaves are then exposed to controlled fires of aromatic woods and herbs. This meticulous process imparts the distinctive smoky flavor that Latakia tobacco is renowned for.

Latakia Tobacco in the 19th Century

By the 19th century, Latakia tobacco had begun to make its mark. Its unique flavor profile and the craftsmanship involved in its production process made it a favorite among tobacco connoisseurs.

The Blend that Captivated the World

As word spread, Latakia tobacco quickly gained popularity. It became a sought-after blend, not just in the Middle East, but across the globe. Its distinctive smoky flavor and rich aroma had truly captivated the world.

The Modern Production Process

While the traditional methods are still in use, modern techniques have also been incorporated to meet the growing demand. However, the essence of Latakia tobacco – its unique smoky flavor – remains unchanged.

Latakia Tobacco in the Global Market

Today, Latakia tobacco holds a special place in the global tobacco market. It is not just a blend; it is a testament to the rich history and tradition of the Latakia region.

The Impact on the Tobacco Industry

Latakia tobacco has left an indelible mark on the tobacco industry. Its unique production process and distinctive flavor profile have set a benchmark for other tobacco blends.

The Future of Latakia Tobacco

As we look to the future, one thing is certain – the legacy of Latakia tobacco will continue to endure. Its unique blend, steeped in history and tradition, will continue to captivate smokers for generations to come.

how has the popularity of latakia tobacco changed over time

The popularity of Latakia tobacco has seen significant changes over time. Named after the major port city of Latakia in Syria, this dark and flavorful tobacco has a unique curing process that sets it apart from its counterparts. Its smoky allure, a testament to its curing process, permeates the air, infusing each moment with intrigue and delight .

Historically, Latakia tobacco was not as popular as it is today. A review of old tobacco tins for sale on eBay suggests that Latakia blends were not as prevalent in the past. The majority of blends were Virginias and Burleys, with Latakia being less common . However, since the resurgence in pipe smoking in the late 1990s and the increase in popularity of non-traditional blends and flavors, Latakia has gained more recognition .

Modern blenders have made successful recipes consisting of up to 50% Latakia, though these are generally regarded as robust blends and not for those who are looking for a lighter flavor. Moreover, Latakia has been used by companies such as Drew Estate Cigars in many of their non-traditional blends .

what is the process of making latakia tobacco

The process of making Latakia tobacco involves several steps:

  1. Harvesting and Sun-Drying: The basic tobacco used is a small-leaved oriental tobacco. After harvesting, the leaves are first sun-dried for several days. This process is carried out entirely by hand to protect the foliage .
  2. Sewing and Hanging: The small leaves are sewn together to prevent the wind from sweeping them away and hung on A-frame structures .
  3. Fire-Curing: The sun-dried leaves are then smoked over smoldering embers. The main components of the embers are pine and oak, along with different herbs. This smoking process takes place in closed barns and lasts for about 5-6 months. The fires must be monitored at all times to prevent barn fires or heat damage to the tobacco .
  4. Chemical Changes: During the long fire-curing process, the leaf becomes dark and partly caramelized. Smoke particles combine with the leaf, and the aroma of the herbs is absorbed by the tobacco. This process also consumes a large portion of the sugar in the leaves, contributing to easy smoking .
  5. Final Processing: Unlike most other tobaccos, Latakia is completely processed, including the ribs of the tobacco leaves, which contribute to the special taste .
  6. Shipping and Marketing: From Cyprus, the Latakia is then reshipped to Turkey where it is placed on the market .


Thehistory of Latakia tobacco is a fascinating journey through time. From its humble beginnings in the Latakia region to its global recognition today, it is a story of tradition, craftsmanship, and a unique blend that has stood the test of time.


  1. Who discovered Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco was potentially discovered by accident when Syrian farmers stored surplus tobacco in their homes, which were smoke-infused from fires fueled by aromatic wood .
  2. What is the flavor profile of Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco is celebrated for its rich, intense, smoky, and peppery flavor .
  3. Where did Latakia tobacco originate?
    Latakia tobacco originated in the Latakia region of Syria .
  4. Why is Latakia tobacco smoke-cured?
    The smoke-curing process imparts the unique smoky flavor that distinguishes Latakia tobacco from other types .
  5. How is Latakia tobacco produced?
    Latakia tobacco is first sun-cured and then meticulously smoke-cured over controlled fires .
  6. Is Latakia tobacco used in cigarette production?
    While traditionally found in pipe tobacco blends, some avant-garde cigarette producers also use Latakia tobacco .
  7. Can Latakia tobacco be smoked straight?
    Rarely smoked straight, Latakia is typically used as a condiment or blender in tobacco mixes .
  8. Does Latakia tobacco have a long history?
    Yes, Latakia tobacco has a rich history that dates back centuries .
  9. Will Latakia tobacco continue to be produced in the future?
    Despite challenges, producers aim to ensure its availability for future generations .
  10. What is the historical significance of Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco’s unique production process and flavor profile have made it a significant part of tobacco history .
  11. How does Latakia tobacco compare to other tobacco types?
    Latakia tobacco is distinct for its smoky flavor, which is not commonly found in other tobacco types.
  12. What are the modern blends and usage of Latakia tobacco?
    Modern blenders use Latakia in various proportions, sometimes up to 50%, to create robust blends .
  13. How did Latakia tobacco rise in popularity?
    Its unique flavor and the craftsmanship involved in its production led to its rise in popularity, especially in the 19th century .
  14. What are the cultural aspects of Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco is deeply intertwined with the traditions and history of the regions where it is produced .
  15. What role does Latakia tobacco play in trade and commerce?
    Latakia tobacco is a sought-after blend in the global tobacco market, contributing to trade and commerce .


  • The Pipe: A Functional Work of Art by Jan Zeman
  • The Ultimate Pipe Book by Richard Carleton Hacker
  • Tobacco: A Cultural History of How an Exotic Plant Seduced Civilization by Iain Gately

Sources of information:

  • Wikipedia Latakia (tobacco)
  • Black Note Latakia Tobacco
  • Everand Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce


  • Dyer, Thiselton (1876). “On the Plant Yielding Latakia Tobacco”
  • Guys, Charles (1863). On the Culture of Latakia Tobacco